Saturday, 15 February 2014

Lostprophets | Gone without a trace?

Hey guys! So, been a while since I've posted due to coursework and such, but one is back to posting again - aren't you a lucky bunch?! I figured the more I'm on my laptop posting and doing coursework, the better I feel about myself and the less time I waste on other social networking sites - damn you, Facebook and Twitter!

Anyway, I thought I'd kickstart my writing again with another music-related post. As we all, or anyone who hasn't been hiding under a rock, will know, the band formerly known as Lostprophets were recently torn apart by the news of Ian Watkins having 'relations' with underage fans and other young individual linking to his drug taking and some insane and sick fans - you can read the court case here for full details.


Obviously this news completely destroyed the band, their reputation and the spirit of their fans, knowing that someone who was supposedly a role model could be such a monster on the quiet. Personally, with all the accusations recently on other celebrities, I thought this was just another selection of fans wanting their 5 minutes in the spotlight for a bit of attention etc. Alas, I was wrong and it is devastating knowing that a band I have loved for years now has the reputation it has gained from him. Absolute madness.

I noticed how there was such an uproar about how much money he was still earning while he is behind bars - with music sales still going and publicity for him at its highest. However, I recently went into a few larger HMV stores and seeing a lack of their CD's on their shelves. This led me to venture online to see what their fanbase was looking like. Turns out everything even remotely relating to Lostprophets, in terms of their fans and music, has been removed from Facebook following a farewell message from the remaining members of the band. It's like they've simply disappeared without a trace of even existing in some places. However, sites such as Amazon still sell their music - but is it right?

Admittedly, it is right that sales of their music should stop as Ian Watkins shouldn't be earning money while doing time for what he did.. But should the other members really pay the price for his actions? I mean, their music was amazing and the other members but will forever have the Lostprophets reputation hanging over their shoulders while trying to move on with their lives.

Does it seem right that their success has been removed without a trace?