Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Song of the week - 10.9.13

Hey guys! As everyone is going back to school, college, work and uni, I decided my song for this week is Bowling For Soup - High School Never Ends.

(source: www.youtube.com)

This song talks about how high school attitudes follow you throughout life, and I would agree with that. No matter what you do, no matter where you go, popularity will exist. Whether it's at work or college, there will always be a group of 'popular' people who have their own little click and there will be other little groups around that. There will be the people who everyone has heard of, for whatever reason (good or bad), and there will be people who some would have never given a second glance. There will always be the people who put themselves out there to get themselves known and potentially liked/favoured compared to someone who stays in the shadows and out of the way of these people. 

But it's true, and this song explains it. People who build themselves up some form of reputation and get known for putting themselves out there for whatever reason will be 'popular' in some way or another, compared to someone who has no reputation (good or bad) and doesn't put themselves out there who won't be as popular or well known..

Personally, I would never consider myself to be 'popular' in any way, shape or form. People knew me in school through friendship or my mum, same for sixth form, definitely not in college, definitely not at work, but I am trying to put myself out there more to do what's best for me. One of the reasons I made this blog, to try and get my name known and recognised. It may happen, it may not. But it's a start. Same with my career aspects! I'm trying to put myself out there so I can get my name recognised and achieve more for me to be proud of. But at the end of the day, who cares if you're popular or not?! A few close and true friends is better than hundreds of fake friends!

How will you know your true potential if you stay hidden in the shadows and let someone else take your place?

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