Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The Call

Hey guys! For the latest edition to the film reviews, I'm going to be looking at the latest release The Call, starring Halle Berry.

(source: YouTube)

This recent release looks at how 911 operators have to deal with some of the worst crimes and the impact it has on them as well as the victims. One operator, Jordan (Halle Berry) has to deal with a case which change her life and career completely. After connecting to an emergency call, she finds herself dealing with a terrified young girl who is trapped in her own house when someone is trying to break in. While on the phone to 911, the girl finds herself petrified and results in hiding in order to not be seen or found by the intruder. Just as they're about to leave, the phone gets disconnected and, in a frantic state, the operator calls back to check all is okay. However, this was a fatal error. After hearing the phone ring, the intruder returns upstairs and drags the girl out to her death with the operator with no one to blame but herself for making such an error.

(source: trailers.apple.com)

Six months later, Jordan finds herself teaching those who want to do work in the 911 'hive' and has to teach them the ropes of the job. When passing one operator who is frantically trying to calm someone down, she finds herself taking over and trying to help the case. Little does she realise, she is about to have a flood of memories overwhelm her as she finds herself dealing with another terrified girl on the phone. Rather than a house call, this victim finds themselves locked in her kidnapper's car. Can she save her?

(source: www.craveonline.com)

Now, I have never been so gripped throughout a film until I saw this.The Call has to be one of the best suspense builders and chilling thrillers of 2013. I had moments of fear, sadness and all round curiosity throughout. Would she save her? Would another girl die? If she did save her, how would she do it? This film really got me thinking though. How can people in this world be so messed up and damaged that they can go out and about and hurt of kill others? Watching the film really opened my mind up to how psychopaths and incredibly damaged people can so easily live a double life. So easy to hide from others, yet, be so destructive on themselves and their victims.
(source: YouTube)

The majority of serial killers and psychopaths has something severely wrong with them. They had a damaged past, they saw or suffered something which has scarred them for life, some trauma they may have witnessed.. So many different things can cause a person to feel they have no way out but to ruin the lives of others instead and not always in the most pleasant ways. Take this film, for example. The psychopath in this film kidnaps his victims for a reason (I won't spoil it for you all!) and then kills his victims because of something in his past and can easily hide it from his wife. How can anyone do that?

I know some people say, in anger of course (I hope), that they could easily kill someone. But, when it comes down to the reality, could you actually kill someone? Could you hide it and act completely normal? How people can do it, I'll never know.

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